PDF Export Options


Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboptions (Right Click -> Save As)

There are two ways to install the .joboptions file. To do so, complete one of the following:

  • First Installation Option: Adobe® InDesign® CS3, CS4, CS5
    1. Save Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboptions File to your Desktop
    2. Open InDesign CS3/4
    3. Select File > Adobe PDF Presets > Define
    4. Click the “Load” Button on the right hand side (About half way down)
    5. Browse to and select Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboption from your desktop
    6. Click the “Open” Button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    7. You should now see an option for “Pride_Guide_PDF_Export” in the “Presets:” list
    8. Click the “Done” Button in the upper right corner of the window titled “Adobe PDF Presets”
  • Second Installation Option: Adobe® Acrobat® Distiller
    1. Save Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboptions to Desktop
    2. Open Adobe® Acrobat Distiller (NOT Acrobat)
    3. Click on “Settings” Menu
    4. Click on “Add Adobe® PDF Settings”
    5. Browse to Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboptions and click “Open”
    6. Place Pride_Guide_PDF_Export.joboptions (From your Desktop) in Trash.

The  Export Profile has now been installed in Adobe Acrobat on your system. Please use this export profile for creating all PDF files for the Pride Guides®.